when seeing our body as everyones centre of perspective, it is important to ensure our body relationship.
Especially with the emergence of so many new ways of visuality. (I'm thinking drones, google maps etc.)
"Behaviour is a register of constructability."
A video trying to step back from the eye of the viewer (thinking instagram, facebook etc.). By questioning the function of performance and reality. This piece should function as a presence embodying absence.
"I hate characters. Ever since birth we're mistaken for another. We push him, we pull him, we force him to get in character." (Goodbye to Language, Godard)
“Let’s begin at the beginning. Inner experience is henceforth forbidden by society in general and the spectacle in particular.”
"No one could think freely if his eyes were locked in another's gaze. As soon as gazes lock, there are no longer exactly two of us. Staying alone becomes hard."
building a character. - something in-between visualising the unseen and the notion of absence.
I could find a way of making 'beauty gadgets' with the aesthetic of the japan trend shop products but redefining their meaning and function. By doing so I might be able to find a contemporary relevance.
you are here
does representation destroy value?
relation between presence and present. don't confuse the present with presence
This is a screenshot I took when browsing online. A horrible combination of where the internet and our body image is going wrong...