note -
verbal action with aesthetic import

look for temporalities and their relation with the whole.
how to accomplish a perfomative message?
->the sketch up dude (prop)
->the perfomer
->Aura (prop)
->'fashion accessory' to communicate meaning and the 'realness' of the performer
the 'natural rhythm' of the perfomer could be inspired by the rythm of the digital in combination with the rythm of the fashion promotion industry. By using these two languages I might be able to establish a language that creates a immaterial message for the audience.
digital + fashion =
abscence + very performative
verbal language: describing other peoples gaze

body language: digital rhythm
"spiritual insurrection"
"aesthetic terror"
a combination of language as form, new materiality and inhuman theories. Consider norms and the everyday life.
By using a flat paper cut out as a plant,
I can question the idea of comfort and what
we need to feel "welcomed" and "safe" in a space.
Wearing these fingerprints will allow the performer to raise the viewers angle on how we view clothes and also the meaning of the body in our everyday interaction with smartphones and anything digital.
words for final piece: